What do you say about a man who’s done things most of us dream about? After 6 weeks of roaming around Europe, Allan’s birthday was a good excuse to do just about nothing. We slept in. We went for breakfast. We read our books. We had a little Limonchello and wine. We went for a drive in the country and came back to have a nap. He deserved it!
We had to conserve our energy for a night at the Quarryman’s’ Arms Pub for the celebration with Steve and Ellen Benn who were Allan’s contemporaries in the auto racing world!
Honestly, if it weren’t for Allan, we would not be on a 7-week whirlwind tour of Europe. Allan has definitely pushed me out of the box. This trip is just a preview of what is possible. The blogs have been a ton of fun for me and are a testament to our teamwork. What’s next? Who knows? But our trip isn’t over yet…